The focus of this networking event is present and future trends in the field of advanced human in vitro models, such as organ-on-a-chip approaches, organoid technologies as well as corresponding applications, e.g. in the area of early drug development.
- Why participate in Meet&Match event?
The Meet & Match addresses research institutions and companies with an interest in cellular approaches, biotechnology, diagnostics and drug development. The objective is to establish new contacts, encourage participants to initiate cooperation or joint developments as well as to gain a better understanding of microphysiological systems and possible applications. The lunch and coffee breaks offer extensive networking opportunities.
- Present your organisation
10 presentations from researchers and industry will provide further insight into advanced human in vitro models, their biology, corresponding analyzing techniques as well as potential applications in drug development or disease modelling. During the «Short presentation session» participants may introduce their company or research group to enable intense networking opportunities. You can apply for a two minutes short presentation upon registration until Tuesday, October 22, 2019. Please note that the number of short presentations is limited and that the session is arranged for research institutions or companies being active in R&D or production. Selection is made by the organisers.
Hilton Strasbourg
1 Avenue Herrenschmidt
67000 Strasbourg
Click here to register
You can register until Thursday, October 31th, 2019.
Event free of charge.
Agnès Legoll, External Relations Director – BioValley France.