SATT Conectus deploys its teams in the heart of the 85 Alsatian public research laboratories to meet their researchers and discuss their discoveries. Conectus thus identifies the most promising inventions. It also lists their scientific expertise and state-of-the-art equipment in their laboratories. This results in a wealth of talent and resources to boost business innovation and drive economic growth.
Expertise n°1 : Investing in innovative projects
Breakthrough innovations are emerging every day in public research laboratories in France. On its territory (Alsace), SATT Conectus detects researchers' inventions and secures them in terms of intellectual property.
Thanks to the French State and its operator Bpifrance, Conectus can also invest financially in innovative projects with the best industrial application promise. To this end, SATT Conectus has a fund of 36 M€ which allows it to invest up to 500 K€ per project. These funds make it possible to closely adjust the emerging technology to the real needs of the market and to do the proof of concept. The technological innovation thus carries far less risk and is thus more attractive to companies.
SATT Conectus invests financially in the development of innovative technologies at a very early stage of their development, where no investor is willing to take the risk because there is no certainty of success at this stage.
Conectus therefore carries the technological risk.

These new technological inventions then lead to operating licences, which are the subject of technology transfer agreements: they are granted for industrial exploitation either to existing companies or to start-ups created specifically for this purpose.

Expertise n°2: Establish public-private partnership agreements
A true link between the industrial and academic worlds, SATT Conectus detects the potential for collaboration between public research laboratories and companies, and then ensures the implementation of the partnerships established:
- Negotiation and signature of agreements
- Financial execution
- Follow-up of the contract until its end
- Mediation if necessary
Whether for research collaborations or services, Conectus is the sole contact for any collaboration with one of the public research institutions listed among its shareholders (excluding CNRS).